Wednesday, February 25, 2009

i got burned

and zapped. Zapped really good.

Yesterday morning while getting ready for work something happened to my blowdryer. Nothing was out of the ordinary of my morning routine so I have no idea what happened. All of the sudden I felt pain in my arm, heard a loud crackling noise and then I smelled electrical burning stuff.

Honestly the first few moments I thought it was Dylan playing a joke on me. I started screaming because I thought the joke was going to far - it was painful! When I realized what was happening it was kinda scary. :-)

After I accessed that I was okay my vanity instantly took over. The thoughts in my head: Is that smell burned hair? Is my hair okay? I can't see the back of my head, I need a mirror, is my hair okay?

I was so relieved that the smell was electrical stuff inside the blowdryer and that my hair was spared. I only could have burned down the house or possibly been really hurt - but my hair was okay! :-) I am not so proud of the thoughts I had immediately following my little blowdryer incident.

Silliest of all, we just had electrical training last week at work! I learned all about major electrical safety and also about the minor at home stuff like Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters! Who knew all this would come into play just a few days later.

I'm only documenting this little incident because I want to know the date my new blowdryer was purchased. I'm guessing my blowdryer lasted about 10 years. Probably not the smartest idea to test how long a small electrical device will last just mere inches from your head...

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