Monday, February 2, 2009

6 weeks

Six more weeks of winter, that's all? I would make that deal any day! That means spring would be here mid March! I'm sold.

Honestly, I'm not complaining today. We had such a great weekend. It was enjoyable to be outside without gritting your teeth or walking like a drunk penguin. If you have never experienced extreme cold the drunk penguin walk means nothing to you, but if you have lived with extreme cold you understand the walk! :-)

Dylan and I really do only have 6 more weeks of winter. We are visiting my brother, sister-in-law and niece is less than 6 weeks in Florida! We can't wait to hang with little Grace, watch the Yankees and Red Sox and just chill on the beach.The diet and the count down have begun. :-)

We love and miss you Gracie Poo.

1 comment:

Miranda Karl Christianson said...

YEAH A BLOG!!!! We can't WAIT till you guys are here!! We love and miss you!!!