Saturday, January 2, 2010


It’s another cold day today so my pictures were limited to the indoors due to the record low temps.   The albedo effect was very intense today making for very intense lighting and shadows.  Funny thing about the bright sun and clear skies is that it tricks my brain into thinking it is nice outside… not so much though! 

Today I wanted to take pictures of just Lizzie because there are far fewer pictures of Lizzie since Meeka joined the family.  Everyone always gushes about how pretty Meeka is and I always feel bad for our crabby, bossy, stubborn and stinky mini daschund. :-) 

liz sun bw (1 of 1)-2

But these two dogs both love the sun at the back door and they are both curious about the other’s doing at all times.  So naturally Meeka ended up in pictures too.

girls sun bw (1 of 1)  

meeka sun bw (1 of 1)

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