Tuesday, March 10, 2009

not good

I think these two images speak for themselves...

No one wants to see this forecast with less than 48 hours until their departure to sunny fun! I'm trying to think of all the positives.

1.) At least this storm hasn't hit us out of the blue. I have time to prepare myself for any bad news about flight schedules.
2.) We live in ND where storms are normal. We have plows! And people know how to function through weather like this.
3.) I have had horrible flights lately - it is my turn for things to go my way. :-)
4.) We purchased trip insurance for this very reason. I have the entire contract (20 pages) printed out and phone numbers ready.
5.) My GIS field lab on Friday has been rescheduled due to the weather. This is really good because I am not sure I could have made up this lab's field work.
6.) We are now even more grateful for our Florida vacay.
7.) Jim Cantore is in Duluth. However, during his report from Duluth he specifically talks about our little neck of the woods...

Ok, I think I have tricked myself into thinking this will all work out and everything will be just fine! :-) Positive vibes!!

Side note: Kyle taught me about the Jim Cantore factor. If Jim Cantore, from the weather channel, is in your town it is not good news! Jim's not usually in a location with desirable weather conditions. Think of those images during hurricane season where Jim is standing in the rain and roofs are flying straight toward him...!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really hoping you can get to Florida!
Jae Nelson